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It takes a Village to raise a child…

Welcome to The Village of Love.

Orphan-care with a difference! We support orphaned children in a family setting, where they find love and belonging again. 


The Village of Love orphan care model offers an alternative to orphanages by providing community support to keep children in the families that already love them.

Kijiji Cha Upendo (Village of Love) is a community-led organisation in the informal settlement of Kibera, Kenya, that enhances the efforts of orphan caregivers to provide material and emotional support for their children and keep them in school.

Currently, in 2025, the project embraces 135 families, caring for over 600 children.


Kijiji Cha Upendo (Village of Love) was registered in 2010 as a Community Based Organisation, Registration No. 11849 under the Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Services of the Government of Kenya.

Village of Love Canada, begun in 2011, is part of the Canada Africa Partnership Network (CAP Network),  registered with the Canada Revenue Agency, #88898 7500 RR0001.