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Love and education: the way out of poverty
Gizaw meets with Board members of Kijiji, Ambrose Gandi, Leonora and Andrew Obara. In reviewing the Kijiji Cha Upendo bookkeeping, Gizaw remarked that their accounting for every detail of expenditure was impressive!I escaped from the slums. Your children can too. Give them love, and make sure they know how important education is…
This was essentially the message that the CAP/AIDS representative in Kenya delivered to the two Village of Love cooperatives gathered to meet one another for the first time since the second cooperative’s inception.
On September 9, 2012, Andrew Obara, KCU volunteer Administrative Officer writes,
Gizaw visited us for a few hours, but did so much. On this particular visit he called on the Government officers, had a chance to speak with the District Officer and later met the Children’s Officer. Both officials told him that without genuine Community Based Organizations or NGO’s the Government would be unable to provide services to the people who need it most.
A few minutes later he was sitting in our humble office encouraging us to forge ahead as most organizations, especially charitable organizations, start small and then grow to their full potential.
Outside the office the newly recruited group and the old one were being introduced to each other. They later on had a session with our Community Health Workers in the presence of Gizaw who afterwards talked to them. He told them how he and his siblings were brought up by their mother in a slum in Ethiopia on meagre resources. He implored them to seize this chance and improve their living standards and while at it, to love the children in their care and make them understand the importance of education. It went down well with the beneficiaries and it was the same with the volunteers.
Joint Group of beneficiaries from two cooperatives enjoying CAP/AIDS representative Gizaw’s words of encouragement to them
Benefits of Partnership
Village of Love Canada operates as part of the Canada Africa Partnership on AIDS (CAP/AIDS) Network. We are so grateful to have the benefit of CAP/AIDS organizational resources and experience. Their encouragement and mentoring has been of tremendous help in enabling the project to get off the ground and we look forward to a smooth expansion of the project through being able to tap into their expertise.
For more about CAP/AIDS see
YOU can empower orphaned and vulnerable children to break out of the cycle of poverty.
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Charitable Status
Kijiji Cha Upendo is registered as a community based organization with the Kenyan Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Services, #11849 .
Village of Love Canada is part of the Canada Africa Partnership on AIDS (CAP/AIDS), registered with the Canada Revenue Agency, #88898 7500 RR0001.