Kibera is clustered around an unguarded railroadIt is unthinkable that on the streets of Kibera, one of the worst slums in Africa, 15,000 orphaned children fend for themselves. Without intervention, they are utterly vulnerable to violence, rape, and being drawn into prostitution, gangs, drugs and all kinds of illicit activities.
They do not even have someone to care if they live or die.
To become productive, contributing citizens, Kibera children need what every child needs: love, food, security, protection and, most importantly, education.
Grace cares for 8 orphaned childrenVillage of Love is transforming lives and communities, beginning with the children. This is how it works:
The AIDS pandemic has overwhelmed government systems to care for orphaned children, but there are women in Kibera who, despite their poverty, are filled with love and a determination to give to these children everything they can. With already large families, they live in tiny, one-room shacks, but they find a corner where one or more orphaned children can sleep. This makes a world of difference to those children: to belong again within a family, to know that someone cares about what happens to them.
Before her mother joined Village of Love, school was beyond Miriam’s wildest dreams.Village of Love then steps in with micro-loans to empower these women to generate more income so that their children no longer sleep hungry and they can go to school with food in their bellies. The big challenge is to keep the children in school. When a parent cannot pay fees or provide pencils, notebooks and uniform, the child is sent home.
Orphaned children have many challenge. Low self esteem is typical. Alone and abandoned, they cannot imagine themselves ever achieving anything. Being loved again in a family is the first step. The next step is school, where they discover their abilities and gain skills and self confidence. As their self esteem increases, they begin to dream. Perhaps they can be a teacher, a social worker, a doctor….
Tracy can’t wait to qualify as a teacher so that she can help other children realise their dreams. She volunteers with Village of Love during vacation times.So far, at least 6 children who have been kept in High School have qualified for College or University. Some have found sponsors and are fulfilling their dreams to become teachers, nurses, IT technicians.
It is your dollars that have given them this chance of a lifetime. Their gratitude knows no bounds. Each one knows they have not reached where they are on their own, and they are eager to give back and lend a hand to others, as soon as they are able.
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