Black History Month

Keep a Girl in School

Did you know that girls who live in poverty cannot afford feminine hygiene products and that they have to miss at least three days of school every month?

Some try using unsanitary substitutes resulting in infections. Others are vulnerable to early pregnancy through unscrupulous shopkeepers trading sex for sanitary towels, and they have to drop out of school.

Just $35 a year will keep a girl in school.

$470 will keep 40 girls in school for one term.

$1400 will keep 40 girls in school all year.

 In Village of Love there are 40 girls who need sanitary towels to enable them to attend school. Join us in ensuring that they do not miss valuable lessons and fall behind in their studies!

When you click the donate button at the top menu, you will be given the option of designating “sanitary towels.” Alternatively, write a cheque to CAP/AIDS, with “Village of Love, sanitary towels” on the memo line, and send to 1638 Bloor St W., #1106, Toronto, ON M6P 0A6.