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2013, Year in Review: Building Love, Learning, Livelihoods!

“The Village” - December 27, 2013

Through your support, Village of Love Canada has again been able to send $20,000 to Kijiji Cha Upendo (Village of Love) to build LOVE, LEARNING and LIVELIHOODS.


Helen Kemunto, recently lost a son, makes a comment. Very grHelen Kemunto shares at a meeting with visiting Board member, Salome Githuku, how the community and volunteers of Village of Love supported her when she lost a son recently. November 2013.

Village of Love is more than a funding agency for school and micro-loans. It is a community of love, where each person receives care and support.

Eunice Muinde, giving vote of thanks on behalf of both clustEverlyn Mwende tells Salome how micro-loans have changed family lives. November 2013.

FOOD makes all the difference! Expecting food, the children come home after school rather than forage in the garbage. Families now gather together. Parents who are less stressed are more patient and loving with their children.


Child protection report from Leonora.pngLeonora Obara, Programme Administrator, shares what she has learned about the protection of children. July 2013.

Both Andrew and Leonora attended workshops this year to increase their administrative skills. They share and apply their learning in Village of Love.

beneficiaries listening keenly to one of them making a commeWomen listen keenly to a presentation at an empowerment meeting. July 2013.

20 women gather weekly in the tiny Village of Love office to offer presentations they have researched themselves, to discuss relevant issues and to find their voices as women!


making baskets, small web, Jane Akinyi, Esther Wasemba, BeatJane Akinyi, Esther Wasemba and Beatrice Nabwire learn new livelihood skills to expand their range of products for sale. June 2013.

In 2013, beneficiaries learned to make shopping bags and liquid soap.


livelihoods, Fanice Maiba.pngEAGER ENTREPRENEUR

The very day after the workshop Fanice Mayiba sold baskets and soap along with her fruit and vegetables. She urged those who hesitated to buy the home-made soap to take it on credit. They discovered how good it was and were happy to pay! June 2013.

Village of Love micro-loans and workshops enable beneficiaries to diversify their products and increase their income. They go to work every day. They gain status in the community and self esteem is raised!

Able now to put food on the table, they are building happy and loving homes for all their children, biological and orphaned.

They are able to do this, thanks to YOU!!

Thank you for your generous support!

Linda Levin,

Chair, Village of Love Canada Board.

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