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AIDS Ride for Africa 2014


AIDS Ride for Africa 2014A fun, family friendly ride. Meet like-minded people. Your choice: 5k,10k or 17k followed by refreshments in the park! Choose to RIDE and make your own donation, or raise funds through family, friends and associates. Translate your BIKE POWER into economic power for amazing orphan caregivers in the slum community of Kibera so that they can send their children to school with a full belly and pay the school fees!

Ottawa: June 15th, Vincent Massey Park - Check-in at 10:00am

Toronto: June 15th, High Park - Check-in at 2:00pm

Vancouver: June 15th, John Hendry Park (Trout Lake) - Check-in at 10:00am

Ride for Village of Love:       REGISTER TO RIDE

Donate to support a rider:   SPONSOR A RIDER

Find out how to translate your bike power into economic power in three easy steps:  HOW TO!


Not a bike rider, but would like to join the fun and volunteer on the day? Click VOLUNTEER

Prefer to fundraise offline? No problem. We will send you an offline fundraising form. Click: OFFLINE REGISTRATION


Thank you to our partner the Canada Africa Partnership on AIDS (CAP/AIDS Network) who organises this wonderful event annually and generously draws in participants from 8 to 10 like-minded organisations.


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